Ville Myllynpää

Ville Myllynpää received his Master of Science (Technology) degree from Sustainable Technology and Business degree programme, with a minor in Entrepreneurial Management, from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, in 2016. His Master´s thesis was titled “Mobile applications, Solution for sustainable agriculture? – Study of mAgriculture services in Kenya”. He is currently doing his doctoral studies at the University of Turku on the topic of the development of sustainable and scalable business models for ICT4D services, under the supervision of Prof. Erkki Sutinen.
- Research in progress: Holistic climate service prototypes for farmers in tambuu, Tanzania. V. Myllynpää, J. Helminen, E. Misaki, M. Apiola, J. Haakana, T. Westerlund, and E. Sutinen. Research in progress: Holistic climate service prototypes for farmers in tambuu, Tanzania. In P. Nielsen and H. C. Kimaro, editors, Information and Communication Technologies for Development. Strengthening Southern-Driven Cooperation as a Catalyst for ICT4D, pages 294–302, Cham, 2019. Springer International Publishing
- Towards a design research model for climate services: Experiences from a development project in Mozambique. J. Helminen, A. J. Leao, V. Myllynpää, S. Gaiani, M. Apiola, and E. Sutinen. Towards a design research model for climate services: Experiences from a development project in Mozambique. In F. Mekuria, E. Nigussie, and T. Tegegne, editors, Information and Communication Technology for Development for Africa, pages 260–269, Cham, 2019. Springer International Publishing
- Learning to Program on KaiOS: a Hands-on Coding School for Developing Climate Service Apps. Myllynpää,V., Ntinda, M., Haakana,K., & Sutinen, E. (2020). Learning to Program on KaiOS: a Hands-on Coding School for Developing Climate Service Apps. 2020 IST-Africa Conference and Exhibition, IST-Africa 2020.