Ilkka Jormanainen

Dr. Ilkka Jormanainen is working as a senior researcher at the educational technology research group at the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu campus). His major research interests are computational thinking, educational robotics, machine learning in K-12 settings, educational data mining and learning analytics, as well as ICT for development. He is currently supervising four PhD research work in these fields. Dr. Jormanainen has been leading several international projects, most recently “ICT4EEDU – Strengthening ICT in Education in Eritrea” project, funded by Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the HEI-ICI capacity building program. He has been involved in several EU initiatives, including H2020 and Erasmus+ KA2 projects. Dr. Jormanainen has been playing an active role in development of the annual SciFest science and technology festival at Joensuu, Finland. He was also leading the festival for three years at the beginning of 2010s. Dr. Jormnanainen has gained teaching, research, and project administration experience from several international collaboration initiatives from number of European and African countries, for example, Eritrea, South Africa, Nepal, Tanzania, Zambia, and Mozambique.
- Screams of joy yield creative projects at the educational robotics workshop in Namibia. Shipepe, A., Jormanainen, I., Duveskog, M., & Sutinen, E. (2020, July). Screams of joy yield creative projects at the educational robotics workshop in Namibia. In 2020 IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) (pp. 103-105). IEEE.