Suvi Nenonen

Suvi Nenonen
University Properties of Finland Ltd Tampere University, Finland: Specialist, Future Learning and Working Environments: Adjunct Professor
Suvi Nenonen works both in practice and academia. Her key focus areas are the future learning and working environments, change management and user participation in co-creation. She is also in charge of research, development and innovation activities in University Properties of Finland Ltd, e.g. The IN-Learn –project, which made it possible to collaborate in Namibia.
In university, her research interest is the usability of the built environment as well as the methods how to develop both digital and physical working and learning environments. Her research has focused on people, organizations and places since 2005 after her PhD “The Nature of the Workplace for Knowledge Creation”.
- Co-working and Co-learning Environment between North and South – Case Future Tech Lab in Namibia. Lahti, M., Sutinen, E. and Nenonen, S. (2020) Co-working and Co-learning Environment between North and South – Case Future Tech Lab in Namibia. Transdiscplinary Workplace Conference TWR2020. To be published on Conference proceedings on
- Co-designing a European Future Tech Lab in Africa as a Place for Open Innovation. M. Lahti, R. Shivoro, T. Kaisto, K. Mufeti, S. Nenonen and E. Sutinen, “Co-designing a European Future Tech Lab in Africa as a Place for Open Innovation,” 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa), Kampala, Uganda, 2020, pp. 1-8