Emmanuel Awuni Kolog
Dr. Emmanuel Awuni Kolog holds a PhD and MSc in Computer science from the University of Eastern Finland in Finland. He received a scholarship from the University’s foundation as one of the best applicants for both degrees. He additionally holds an MBA degree in International Business Management from the Lapland University of Applied Sciences in Finland. Dr. Awuni has also obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) from Ghana. His Bachelor’s degree focused on Information Technology, where he graduated with a First class. Before joining the OMIS Department, Dr. Awuni worked as a Post-Doctoral Research fellow at the University of Eastern Finland where he conducted research and supervised theses of graduate-level students. Dr. Awuni is the recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II scholarship to McGill University in Canada. He also serves on the PhD scholarship selection board for the African Centre for technology studies (ACTS) in Kenya. As part of his mandate, he promotes machine learning and Artificial intelligence research in Africa. Additionally, he is an adjunct research fellow to the University of Turku’s plugin campus at the University of Namibia in Namibia. Currently, he teaches and supervises only graduate level students. Dr. Awuni’s research interest spans the fields of Machine Learning Applications, Text-based Affect Detection using NLP, Digital platforms, Learning and Business Analytics. Dr. Awuni reviews for several journals and has attended conferences around the world. In 2018, he won the best research paper award at a conference held in Hong Kong and, in 2019, his paper was nominated with two others for the best paper award in knowledge management and information systems conference held in Vienna. Though Dr. Awuni and his co-authors missed out on the award, he was honoured for his research work in ontology and machine learning for the retrieval and archival of traditional herbal medicine.