Educational Robotics Workshop

28.11.2019 09:00 - 02.12.2021 16:30

The Department of Future Technologies, University of Turku, in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland, School of Computing and the School of Computing, University of Namibia will host a robotics workshop on the 28th November – 02nd December 2019. The workshop aims to expose students and all other participants to basic robotics skills. The course has lot of hands-on exercises and individual and group tasks, so active and curious-minded participation is must!

Workshop Schedule:

28th November 2019 – Day 1: Introduction to robotics, walkthrough of the pre-assignments. Introduction to technologies (Lego robots, Arduino). Basics of electronics, safety issues, programming Arduinos and Lego platform. Building basic robots.

29th November 2019 – Day 2: Sensors, actuators, information processing with robots. Building and programming a mini project: Sumo robots, competition. Designing the project work.

30th November 2019 – Day 3: Working with the project work.

2nd December 2019 – Day 4: Project presentations, evaluation of the projects, wrap-up

Workshop Facilitator:

Dr IIkka Jormanainen
Senior researcher
edTech research group
School of Computing
University of Eastern Finland

NB: Certficates of learning results will be awarded.